Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Let’s embrace unity to overcome these political hurdles in our life time

By Atok Dan Baguoot

Juba, 1st Aril. “To state the facts frankly is not to despair the future nor indict the past. The prudent heir takes careful inventory of his legacies and gives a faithful accounting to those whom he owes an obligation of trust”

In spite of all these political hurdles within the rank and file of opposition forces in the country as a respond to this current political turmoil fuelled by rigid stance posed by the National Congress Party NCP to make elections as something for national healing, peace is still needed so that the country is not plunge into untended war of selfish motives. This country is bigger than any of us whether it be a political party or individuals representing these organisations. For this reason, there could still be need to make war a history because we came from a very long way to where we are therefore, let our political decisions be guided by national interest since it is this very nation that gave birth to those political parties and without this political unfortunate country, this very confused NCP would never exist.

We the marginalised Sudanese especially the African ethnicities at the peripherals need to be much more cautious because all these trickery and dishonest politics would disadvantage us at the end of the whole saga, regardless of our geographical whereabouts. For the SPLM having pulled out of the republic presidential race at the last minute could possibly be seen as a kind of quite or even translated into so many possible reasons that are beyond my perception here, still our collective efforts as marginalised is of paramount given that referenda and popular consultations for the two regions of Southern Kordofan and Southern Blue Nile are on the political pipelines scheduled. SPLM didn’t quite; it would have quite in the battle fields.

If all marginalised were not people with natural short memories, we would have not forgotten why things go like that and we would not allowed our sons and daughters in the Sudan Arm Forces SAF up to now, a threatening element which the NCP uses to distort all national calendars in their myopic understanding of the Sudanese problems. Despite those political hurdles, what counts in politics is numerical strength which we already had. South alone in its mutative wars with proxy and auxiliary helps from Nuba people and Funj pressured rest of Sudan, whereas the recent political paradigm shift made by the Darfuris people provided the helm for the unity of the Sudan to approach elections as one united country.

It would never be far from the truth that the marginalised black Africans would embrace on their peripherals unity and wage a join war against the north if it is the Arab north that is the bottleneck towards national stability since century. And since it has become an eminent fact and crystal clear that descendants of Arabs in the Sudan don’t respect any legal agreement, the only way the will be able to grant others their dues is through genocidal wars, like what they had been advocating since then. I know genocide is bad but when everything reaches its saturated point, human mind becomes nothing but a mere rounded object on top of a person.

Therefore, it would be upon the aggrieved to devise means of rallying behind the SPLM and gain both cultural recognition and political momentum of brushing aside all that Sudan had been called a sovereign nation because this very sovereignty has no meaning if the country continues tortures its citizens in the name of abused sovereignty. Historically, Sudan has never exchange fire with any of its neighbouring countries but it has never rested in fighting its masses since independence. Having depleted all the former Soviet countries from firearms deals, it has shifted gears to bloody thirst China with poor human rights records in the same deal to continue killing its citizens.

Who is the target of these denounced chemical weapons acquired from China, it is the marginalised in the Darfur, in the Southern Blue, Nuba Mountains, let alone Southern Sudan. It would have been mechanized agricultural fields if not for the sake of God mercy. Whether be it scientifically, socially, economically and politically, Sudan will never be a country runs in the expenses of the under privileged as it used before, instead it will be smartly disintegrated into several ugly shapes based on who likes who and who hates who. Begin bidding for your option if you are from those northern marginalised.

Exceptionally, SPLM has bypassed all these premature hurdles thus, if life is to be normal before we could assume our political rights and privileges, there is a burning need to huddle together with the SPLM and echo at the top of our hoarse voices for our long detained rights. It is a factual evident that a right never defended by an owner is never granted on silver platter so, the only advisable remedy to our political problems in the Sudan is through the barrel of gun. Failure to do that, never think of signing any peace accord with the group within the description because there will never be a smarter document than the CPA and other accords.

I’m not trying to incite violence but a nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people, so there is need to make people learn what is lacked and what is excess in order to pass correct diagnose of this long illness. I know we are political prisoners but there is a light at the end of the tunnel through SPLM.

Most of my senior colleagues in the profession do call me a journalist who has deviated from the ethics but I do tell them that the unlucky ones today in the South are those who assume adherence to the ethics of their careers yet their deeds is contrary to believes, unlike me who is openly exercising facts in a brutal frank manner. We will never heal from this infested historical wound unless we define why we cannot find lasting solution to the very always problem yet series of generations have been involved in correcting it. Inside us is a genetic settlement for less hence, our friend enemy explores and exploits deep within our corridors of alternatives.

We don’t do one thing wholeheartedly because of that inferior option. We have settled for tree top and ended up with tree trunk as the highest echelon of achievement leaving the whole sky to be explored by them. If all marginalised were my own kids, we would adorn in SPLM dresses and discard those few existing hurdles within the party with the objectives of dispensing a new chance for all the cornered Sudanese generations to aspire to inspire before our expiration dates so that a new legacy of hope is left for our kids and let that business of forwarding unfinished work to another generation comes to an end.

Finally, massive unity amongst us the marginalised would be the only outstanding strategy in addressing this confused political saga because what NCP is advocating for today is the establishment of supreme Arabs state in this country which none of us ever thought of calling it African Christian state due to its heterogeneity. What is so fanny about an Islamic and Arab state when we all don’t profess that chauvinistic shallow and selfish thinking? Let us swallow our internal differences and embrace one agenda because the current magnitude of this confusion will never know whether you are from SANU, UDF and forth but they know the language of hitting a slave with a slave when God who created everything has never created any of his creatures inferior. It is in this context that SPLM would always remain as a huge stone that we can gather around it and advocate for rights with unwavering and relentless efforts if issue of second citizen is to be a history in our life time. There shall come a time that everything shall come to pass but our identity shall never.

Atok Dan is a journalist working with Southern Sudan Radio and & TV and can be reached at

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