Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Let’s maintain government properties properly

By Atok Dan Baguoot

Unlike the formation of the government of autonomous Southern region after the 1972 peace agreement where resources were scarce, officials of the government then had limited resources to begin with. Few cars which were there were used in alternating phases. The only car which used to carry the President to the office had first ferried the Ministers to their offices earlier in the morning in order to give time for the big boss Mr. Joseph Lagu. Other government officials normally find their means to offices punctually.

Uniquely, Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) brought about by the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) had many advantages of which technological advancement played pivotal role in its quick access to modern resources. Deputy Directors have personal government numbered plate cars which they can use even at their private businesses. Departments have variety of resources ranging from modern office equipments. Government has provided Laptop computers owned by head of different departments to ease tedious job of lap paper work with internet services where information is taped from office to office, although it has minimized job for office messengers.

Because of all these resources, government properties are highly being misused by none other than office holders in the name of many that will come. We treat ourselves when sick; likewise, veterinary doctors treat animals when they are sick also. What is wrong when we take good care of the government properties, why we are unable to repair government properties more so cars which are subject to weekend’s damage especially when driven while half drunk. It is this very government which we had been yearning, crying and disturbing the whole universe to have self determination which will soon never be a dream but reality. Taking keen interest on the little would give you hint on taking care of much. Sooner shall the other 50% of the oil share be given to us if referendum affirms separation as preliminary opinion polls always suggest.

“For in reason, all government without the consent of the governed is the very definition of slavery” said Jonathan Swift. It would be seen as source of evil slavery if we cannot take good management of government properties, if we cannot use properties as personal maximum care. We will be impoverished and economically enslaved.

From the period of 2006-2008, GoSS numbered cars formed 80% of the automobile machines on this few kilometers roads of Juba, but as far now, the number is dwindling on daily basis due to reckless use. And why because of I don’t care attitude mentality and mentality of not being held accountable. And why, more are coming, why because we are going away as independent state able to manage its own affairs. Taking care of your nuances is the genesis of independence and this actually defined why we don’t understand what needed where and when.

I’m bothered seeing all these Japanese machines wreckages littered ever where yet they didn’t come on their own. We opted to stay hungry and spent money on these tools in order to facilitate much we needed in the future. Let there be GoSS garages where these machines should be treated before their real expiration. Allow me overstep my duty in suggesting that, the government should devise means to punish culprits accused of mishandling public property on account that good care for long lasting management is achieved at the end of the day. The policy of you destroy it, repair it can best work here but this does not mean burdening our young innocent drivers who are up-to-date for their duties, whose leisure rights are infringed because they work up to bars at night. Weekend is not exceptional for them due to their docility. They go stay waiting for their bosses even if it is not working hours.

As a person in the heart of the government, pilfering of public properties is on high record without concern. Never blame our young parliament since it is a place where you go and sharpen your political blade for more political aspirations. It isn’t up to its mandate it was meant. Watch them coming back to second CPA’s parliament if they were for that job.

In fact, it sounds nonsense in the minds of few indulged but majority will agree with me that it is a frontline job. Let my colleagues of the SPLA department not sit back that they are nowhere to my discourse. Their red number plate cars are under severe extinction given the nature armies do their things, although they are much stricter in handling their affairs. They are smart but their smartness seems be fading away. To them Bilpam road has become the real rogue Bilpam path to Bonga in which most recruits lost their lives before facing the enemy back in Sudan. Bilpam road is killing most SPLA sophisticated cars before facing the real tough terrains at the country sites.

Lastly, computer virus has bogged down our machines in offices yet the internet there is being used for chatting with girls and boys friends more so youngsters called the dot com generation. Few sugar mummies and daddies informed are also chatting among themselves. Please my dear, extra use of internet apart from chatting, sending messages and accessing other crucial information is to active antivirus on our machines so that they do work efficiently. Computers in Southern Sudan Radio where am working is the pilot project.

Atok Dan is a journalist working with Southern Sudan Radio & TV

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